How to use your phone less

Many of us rely on our devices for everything from rousing us in the morning to staving off boredom. But there are ways to break the habit. Here are five ways to cut down on phone use

  1. Get an alarm clock. Using your phone as an alarm makes it the last thing you see at night and the first when you wake up, so you’re much more likely to have a ”quick” scroll through social media.
  2. Do a “deep dive” into your notification settings. Even when you put your phone down, it often buzzes so you pick it back up. Try turning off notifications that aren’t from people, so that you’re alerted to messages, but not to “15 people liked your photo”.
  3. The latest versions of both Android and iOS allow you to track your screen habits. Do that, and then delete apps you overuse, or try to limit your time on them.
  4. Switch your phone to greyscale. This neuters carefully designed prompts (such as red notification bubbles). It also ensures that real life is the more vivid option.
  5. Before you pick up your phone, ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?” When the answer is: “I’m bored during this seven-second lift journey”, you may reconsider.

The above leadership tip...
was sent in response to a question from a participant on our 10/10 leadership development and mentoring programme and adapted from Don't use it as an alarm clock! Five ways to cut down on phone use, published in The Guardian. Whether you're a first time manager or an experienced leader, straightforward, practical advice on best practice is hard to find. Until now. To find out how you, your team or your organisation can benefit, please join us on our next complimentary webinar or contact us.